Steve Giovannetti

Ending a 48 hour fast this morning. Did it mainly to exercise an atrophied will-power. Positive experience and I’m going to think seriously about possibly doing this on a periodic schedule. Once a month? Once a quarter?

I’m pleasantly surprised about how boring running iOS 12 beta is on my EDC iPhone X. This is the most stable beta I’ve installed.

The fruits of many after-work build sessions. I did not contribute but loved watching the progress and now we have the fastest ship in the galaxy docked in our office. Nice work @hubcitymedia build team!

Pilot on flight to Omaha: “Folks we are going to Ctrl-Alt-Del the aircraft to clear an error.”

We are on the ground of course.

For me, almost nothing important happens on Twitter that doesn’t also happen in feeds in RSS.

Siri Shortcuts looks great. For those of you who’ve downloaded an iOS 12 beta on a device, I found this “how to” helpful. You need the tried and true Workflow app until the official app is available in upcoming betas.

Currently reading “The Rise and Fall of D.O.D.O.” by Neal Stephenson and Nicole Galland. Great fun so far and a goof break from the heavier stuff I was reading lately. 📚


Really enjoyed Solo. Not a great Star Wars movie but a good one.

First taste of kombucha. Like drinking fizzy soy sauce.

Not much sea glass on the beach this morning so decided to pick up and pack out all the plastic I could carry.

Damn, this is badass. Nasa will send helicopter to Mars to test otherworldly flight - BBC News 🚀

Screen time using a problem. Quality screen time , or rather the lack of it, is a big problem. Apps and content should have food-like nutritional labels/ratings.


Off to The People’s Republic of Austin today. Keep it Weird.

Just picked up this gem for $5 at my local shop. 🎵

Current Move streak 197 days?

Published my TaskPaper to OmniFocus Action to the Drafts Action Directory. Wish I could get a list of Projects to present to the user to set the target project.

Happy Earth Day

It’s been a while since I’ve really used Flickr but I still get activity especially this one:

I could spend all day watching @jetpens pen and stationary videos. ❤️🖋📕

Howdy, from Drafts 5!

On my way to Nebraska. I have never been to Nebraska.