Steve Giovannetti

Fuck Your Feelings is a remarkable episode of the Love & Radio Podcast. I found it to be profoundly disturbing yet enlightening. I struggle mightily to understand Trump supporters. This at least gives me an insight into the psychology of some. The desire to simplify daily existence seems like a key motivator. It’s a desire driven not by fear but fatigue in dealing with the world as it is. Of course that’s great if your cis, white, and well off. If not the reality of the world has a way of hitting you in the face with a 2x4 on a constant basis. Winding the cultural clock back to the 1950s is a shitty idea.

This is interesting. Addresses the main issue Keybase is trying to fix. Keylist RFC: Distributing OpenPGP Keys with Signed Keylist Subscriptions

Just finished the series. Best books I’ve read in 5-10 years. I’m stunned. If I had to pick “The Dark Forest“ was probably my favorite.

The sun on the waves in the water today is making them sparkle like diamonds.

They may be a little ugly but Jersey Tomatoes are the best tomatoes.

San Francisco I love you but your bringing me down. (apologies to LCD Soundsystem, but it fits here too)

“The Three Body Problem” and “The Dark Forest” my Cixin Liu did not disappoint. Probably the best science fiction I’ve reAd in 10 years. “Death’s End” is equally thought provoking. Wonderful. 📚

When I read the news these days I can’t help but feel we are living in the prelude to Random Acts of Senseless Violence by Jack Womack. It’s a great but terrifying book. 📕

Daily journaling habit seems to be in full swing. Now if I could only find the time to put a blog post together just once a week. Got to make some time.

Green Party candidate in Montana was on GOP payroll As the GOP base dwindles this is the kind of crap progressives need to watch out for during elections.

Drone Shot

I just love this QAnon stuff. It’s Looking Extremely Likely That QAnon Is A Leftist Prank On Trump Supporters

Frank in Philadelphia.

I like Slack but I don’t like how much it costs. Cost was one of the reasons I was using HipChat. Now what options do I have? Hangout Chats? 🤬

My normal strategy of flying out of Newark on the first flight to avoid delays seems to be failing today. This does not bode well for the other four flights I need to take between now and Thursday.

Reading “The Three-Body Problem” by Cixin Liu 📚

I know it’s not indie but I really hope Flickr makes it.

The sky looks like a bad spray paint job today.

Drones are fun!

Tug headed out to sea from the Barnegat Light Inlet.

Weather in NJ oscillating between the climates of Tatooine and Dagoba. I’m ok with that.

Here is another way to celebrate the 4th!

Hey, Happy Independence Day. Don’t blow your fingers off!

Sunset, Barnegat Light, NJ Additional color brought to you by some wildfires burning in the pine barrens.