Steve Giovannetti

Morning Zen by Duolingo

I know I may be cursing myself right now but I may be one of the only MacBook Pro users who is not experiencing keyboard issues. I think I’ve owned this 13” MBP (with Touch Bar) for at least a year. I’m not saying Apple doesn’t have an issue. I’m just saying this is one small corner of my day to day existence that seems to be going really well. Go me!

Checked into a hotel late last night. The night manager asked, “Have you ever stayed with us before?” I honestly could not answer.

What I would like from Apple this year is a a discounted iPhone upgrade program that gives me the latest iPhone, AppleCare, iCloud storage, Apple Music, and the new streaming video service.

Tim Apple can you make that happen?

What’s wrong with our government in 3 minutes 19 seconds.…

There really should be a law banning all day meetings. 😱

Thinking about going all Marie Kondo with the apps on my iPhone. I have too many apps not “sparking joy”. 🤔

Lobster fra Diavolo 2018 edition.

2018 left. 2019 right.

On the 50 year anniversary of the first crewed mission to the moon, the Liftoff podcast releases the Apollo 8 episode. Don’t miss it and the rest of the podcasts in this series. Very informative but also inspiring.


Tug Candace - Barnegat Light, NJ

1919 American Edition of “The Warlord of Mars” by Edgar Rice Burroughs. A prop in Anthropology NYC

Wait…. people still play Ingress?

I voted and so should you!

This is a big one folks. You can’t sit this one out.

Last round of meetings in London before I catch my flight home. Snapped this near Buckingham Palace. It was a surprise vista in the middle of Westminster.

Happy to support this great app!

St Luke’s Chelsea

Damn these are great books.

We just switched the entire company from HipChat to Google Hangouts Chat. Slack is too damn expensive.

Off to London on Saturday. Hopefully we’ll beat the Nor’easter bearing down on us. If all goes as planned I’ll have Sunday free to putter around the city before I need to get to work.

Performing some jiggery-pokery, please ignore.

Wise Words

Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.

—John Woods comp.lang.c

MMOSS - Hedge Creeper

Cambridge, MA eating an Atomic Meatloaf Meltdown and drinking a Harpoon Ale. I was alone so I picked up a local music trade paper and was leafing through it when I stumbled upon a review for the album “i” by MMOSS a psychedelic jam band from New Hampshire. I was intrigued. After finishing my meal I went out an bought the CD somewhere near Harvard Square and I’ve been a fan ever since.
I’m pretty sure they have only recently been available on Spotify and it looks like a re-issue of “i” is available. My pick for the week is “Hedge Creeper”. It’s a fun jam full of late 60s AM radio tropes. I think Ron Burgundy is playing lead jazz flute on this one. Enjoy this track while driving with the top down.…