Steve Giovannetti

Lobster fra Diavolo 2018 edition.

2018 left. 2019 right.

On the 50 year anniversary of the first crewed mission to the moon, the Liftoff podcast releases the Apollo 8 episode. Don’t miss it and the rest of the podcasts in this series. Very informative but also inspiring.


Tug Candace - Barnegat Light, NJ

1919 American Edition of “The Warlord of Mars” by Edgar Rice Burroughs. A prop in Anthropology NYC

Seattle, WA

Hi @manton, is there a long lead time to enabling Mastodon? I have an ssl hosted domain pointed at Just want to make sure I don’t have something misconfigured.

Wait…. people still play Ingress?

I voted and so should you!

This is a big one folks. You can’t sit this one out.

Last round of meetings in London before I catch my flight home. Snapped this near Buckingham Palace. It was a surprise vista in the middle of Westminster.

Happy to support this great app!

St Luke’s Chelsea

Damn these are great books.

We just switched the entire company from HipChat to Google Hangouts Chat. Slack is too damn expensive.

Off to London on Saturday. Hopefully we’ll beat the Nor’easter bearing down on us. If all goes as planned I’ll have Sunday free to putter around the city before I need to get to work.

Performing some jiggery-pokery, please ignore.

Demon Deer

My Hobonichi Remaining pages dwindling It’s replacement ready

I missed day 365 but damn I’m pretty proud of making it this far. Now if I can only earn that “Eating Less” badge.

Nice try Hacker Man….

Without a doubt my favorite purchase at Comicon.

Getting a excited about NY Comicon. This is the third year in a row that my daughter and I are attending together. Next year she’s off to college. I hope our tradition will survive but part of me knows how these things go. She’s the youngest of my three children.

Top 3 strangest songs that choke me up:

  1. Baby Blue - Badfinger
  2. Warfrat - The Grateful Dead
  3. Long Live Rock - The Who